Produtos>Henry Suso: The Exemplar, with Two German Sermons

Henry Suso: The Exemplar, with Two German Sermons

Edição Digital Verbum

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This book is a masterpiece of medieval literature and spirituality from the fourteenth-century German Dominican mystic Henry Suso (1300–1366). With this volume, modern readers and students of history will be able to delve into the writing of Suso and compare his insights to earlier and later saints’ discussion of theology and spirituality.

For a massive collection including over a hundred and twenty of the volumes in this series, see the Classics of Western Spirituality Bundle (126 vols.).

Key Features

  • A clear presentation of classic spirituality in an accessible form
  • Fully integrates and cross references with other resources from your Logos library
  • A primary source that is useful for research and historical study regarding medieval expressions of Christian faith

About the Author

Henry Suso, was a German Dominican friar and the most popular vernacular writer of the fourteenth century. An important author in both Latin and Middle High German, he also defended Meister Eckhart after Eckhart was posthumously condemned for heresy in 1329.


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